Monday, January 20, 2025


Like many of my friends, as the years passed, I frequently thought about my increasing scatter-brained mind, blaming it on my advanced age.

This journey into real estate has taken me on a continuous learning path. I will admit to reservations early on. Would this 'older' brain be capable? I always love to learn but, let's face it, I hadn't taken any formal education in years.

Imagine my surprise as the weeks/months passed and my brain proved more than able to keep up.

As this was flying in the face of what I had previously accepted about my aging brain (and I am basically a curious soul), I looked into this.

Turns out, there’s a scientific explanation … neuroplasticity. The Cleveland Clinic website explains this as "our brain’s ability to absorb information and evolve to manage new challenges. It’s a natural gift that allows us to develop as a person and take on the ever-changing tasks of daily life." While this may slow down somewhat with age, it is definitely still present and able to be called on as we learn. 

However, retirement lends itself to a routineness in lifestyle. Turns out, it is this very routineness that may be a detriment to our brain health.

There are many ways to develop the neuroplasticity in our brains. Simple things like meditation, new experiences, and social interaction help keep the brain functioning well.

If your New Year’s resolution included taking a course, joining a class or trying a new hobby, go for it. I think you'll be surprised how much your brain will stretch to whatever you ask of it.

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