Monday, January 27, 2025


Real estate is offering so much more to me than simply a new career. As each week passes, I recognize how this activity fills my personal checklist. You know the one I mean - the checklist in my head that lets me know my life is on or off track by how I'm spending time. 

After a lifetime in the business world, my checklist requires time for daily administrative activities (even if that just means meal planning) but everyone's choices for spending time is unique and varied. Some value time spent creatively. Others, productively. To some, time spent learning or pursuing new interests is a must. Time to follow a healthy lifestyle. Down time. Social time. It all adds up to the inevitable evaluation: 'has my life been on track this week or do I need a tune-up with priorities?' 

The value that comes with connecting with old friends and acquaintances has moved 'social time' higher on my weekly checklist. Daily life often impeded staying in touch as much as I would like but real estate has given me the impetus to reconnect. In doing so, I recognize a desire for true connection with others, both within myself and from others.

Humans are social creatures and need connection with others. I'm not talking the social media type of connection here. I mean the face to face, time spent together listening to each other type of connection. FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom, etc. give us a sense of connection that I was grateful for during COVID but the ability to put my hand on someone else's (or vice versa) in a moment of understanding is only available when we are physically together. This is, increasingly, the type of connection I am filling my weeks with, replacing time spent on-line with time in a room together or walking together. 

At the core, real estate is a business of connecting others; those who are in need of something with those who no longer want or need something. 

So, pursuing real estate has given me license to enjoy filling my days connecting and reconnecting with people and, sometimes, helping them with their housing needs.

Social time - check! Productive time - check! Administrative time - check! Healthy lifestyle - check!

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